About Me
Hi my name is Jeremy!
Things I love...
- Traveling to any new location
- Spending time with my family
- Music
- My Jeep
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GitHub Projects:
Weather Dashboard
User provides city, is then given the current forecast as well as the 5-day forecast.
Look At What You Missed
Responsive application which shows you all of the live music events from a past date.
Burger App
Heroku-deployed app enables the user to add new burgers to the left side of the page. If the user clicks the Devour It! button, the burger's devoured status changes to true and it reappears on the right side of the page. Utilizes Express, Handlebars, MySQL, and an ORM.
Weekend Warriors
This Heroku-deployed full-stack application is a simple tracker for weekend adventures. Users can blog about their own weekend or read all about the weekend adventures of others.
Note Taker
This Heroku-deployed application enables the user to write, save, and delete notes. Application utilizes Express to give user full CRUD method capabilities, writing, reading, and deleting data to/from a JSON file.